Joseph Fried

Winning YOUR Trucking Case

In this small group workshop limited to no more than 8 active participants (others are invited to watch but not participate), our focus will be finding the most compelling liability narrative for your trucking case. This workshop will require participants to actively participate not only with their own case, but with he cases of other participants. Participants will meet by zoom twice before the workshop. The first Zoom will provide you instructions on what to pull together to get the most out of the workshop and to give you very specific instructions to prepare you for the second Zoom the workshop itself. After the first Zoom, participants will do some advanced work on their own cases that will focus their attention on the theories of the case, the defenses in the case, what they are most afraid of with the case, and their intended narrative for the case. This information will be circulated to all participants. During the second zoom, participants will each present a 5 minute presentation on their case (don’t worry you will be given very precise instructions on how to prepare). This will be followed by no more than 5 minutes of questions by me and other participants. By doing this in advance, we will be ready to really dive deep when we get together.

Each participant will get 20 minutes of time on their own case but I can promise you that you will learn a lot from being a part of the discussion on the cases of other participants as well. By the time we are done, you will dramatically more prepared to present the most compelling narrative for your case (including minimizing defense issues).

TLU Live HB Agenda

Party Sponsor


Barbie Pink & White Party

Hosted by

Smart AdvocateTork Law