John Romano

Motorcycles, dirt bikes, 3 & 4 wheel recreational vehicles & golf carts

Creating & building your skills to handle, litigate & win these cases

This will be a hands-on/interactive “huddle” where we plan, Strategize & assess the how & why of putting the “fortressed” case together. We will identify the essential steps we need to take in the first 24-48 hours & then 30 days & then 90 days of developing the case playbook. We will conduct a legal autopsy on understanding & appreciating the components which make up the parts & machinery of these vehicles. We will move through the investigation, pleadings, discovery, mediation & learn how to debunk the defense positions & arguments. Take a journey with us through a unique & innovative methodology of developing engineer-developed demonstrative aids including animations & models designed to achieve victory. The session will then focus on trial steps & methods where we observe examples of what has worked & what has failed in the courtroom in these types of cases. Each Attendee will present the facts of one of his/her case….to be followed by an in-depth analysis of the fact & legal arguments to help in creating the optimal “Story-of-the-Case” & to assist in providing new paths to the winning Voir Dire, Opening, Witness Examination & Closings for that case.

TLU Live HB Agenda

Party Sponsor


Barbie Pink & White Party

Hosted by

Smart AdvocateTork Law