Christopher Ardalan

Framing Your Case To Win

Cases are won and lost based on the which side’s story is more believable and convincing. No amount of high paid experts or jury consultants can overcome poor framing and presentation of your case.

Come learn how to set your case up at the outset for success with techniques and strategies that will carry you through every aspect of your case work up, litigation strategy, depositions, and trials.

Chris Ardalan has successfully incorporated these techniques into his own practice and trained countless lawyers on his “To Wins” system. Chris has successfully litigated and tried countless catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases and has obtained over 80 seven and eight figure results in his career, including numerous record breaking verdicts. He does personal coaching and consulting for lawyers in every aspect of litigation and trial through his Ardalan Trial College. He is an alumni of Loyola Law School and the nationally recognized Byrne Trial Advocacy Team, a graduate of the Gerry Spence Trial College, a member of ABOTA and a CAALA Board Member and previous Trial Lawyer of the Year nominee.

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Smart AdvocateTork Law