Giorgio Panagos

TLU Voir Dire Connection Workshop

CONNECTION is the not-so-secret sauce of every big verdict/great trial lawyer. It is not an art, it is not something some people are born with and others are not. Connecting is a skill that can be learned and mastered. Like all complex skills that one is seeking to learn and master, it has to
be broken down into its component parts, its micro-skills, which have to be identified, isolated, and practiced. The micro-skills of connection are; eye contact, emotional state control(facial expressions) voice control, hand movement/gestures, body movement, glance control, word choice, creating space, and being KIND. Classes are limited to six participants.
We will be learning, practicing, and mastering these skills.

There will be three Zoom meet ups before the event to prepare.

This is a one-day class.


“I left the program more comfortable making eye contact with people as a presenter as well as a listener. While sitting as a member of our practice jury, I had a tendency of looking away, looking down, and closing my eyes when the presenter would attempt to make a connection with me. This will help me not only as a trial lawyer but also in my everyday interactions with the people around me.”

-Derick Runion, Curiel & Runion Personal Injury Lawyers

"Before this program, I talked fast because I didn’t want to bore my listener and I wanted to get out everything I had to say before I forgot anything. However, once we watched ourselves on video, I realized that speaking slowly gives jurors time to process what I'm saying and looks more professional.”

-Jose Robles, Robles Babaee Personal Injury Lawyers

TLU Live HB Agenda

Party Sponsor


Barbie Pink & White Party

Hosted by

Smart AdvocateTork Law